The area of the forest fund lands that are in economic use of the Gomel State Forestry Enterprise is 1,864. 9 thousand hectares. Of these, 1606.5 thousand hectares are covered with forest.
Most of the forest area in the Gomel region is occupied by coniferous forests - 992.5 thousand hectares. The area occupied by deciduous forests is 494.1 thousand hectares.
A distinctive feature of the forest fund of the Gomel region can be called a larger area occupied by oak forests than in other regions of Belarus: 109 thousand hectares.
The total stock of plantings of the Gomel GPLHO is 340 million cubic meters of wood, while 206 kbm per hectare of forested area is accounted for .
The average age of the forests of the Gomel region is 56 years. (the composition of the stand is 6C1D2B1OLCHKLEOSGR).
According to the age structure, the forests of the Gomel region are divided into: Young - 21.3%, Medium - aged -39.3%, Ripe - 23.9%, Ripe and over-ripe-15.5 %.
The distribution of forests by predominant species can be reflected by the following percentages: pine stands-60.6 %, Birch-20.6 %, Black alder-8.7 %, Oak-6.8 %, Spruce-1.2 %, Aspen-1.2 %, Maple, ash, hornbeam-0.7 %, Other species-0.2 %.
The key focus in forestry is reforestation and afforestation, forest seed production and nursery farming.
Every year in the Gomel region, about 7 thousand hectares of new forests are created by sowing and planting, In recent years, due to the development of shrinking pine plantations, this volume has increased to 10 thousand hectares.
In the total volume of forest crops, coniferous and hard-leaved species have been created, which occupy 95.6% and 4.4% are soft-leaved (birch, linden, black alder and others).
Over the previous year, 6108 hectares of forest crops were planted with selective planting material, which is 163.7% of the plan and 54.8% of the total area of sowing and planting of the forest, and forest crops with a closed root system were planted with 11% (i.e., 1.1 thousand hectares).
The Gomel region has a forest seed base of about 3 thousand hectares, including forest seed plantations of 250 hectares, the area of genetic reserves of about 2 thousand hectares. Annually, on average, we harvest more than 2 tons of common pine seeds (depending on the yield).
Every year we increase the harvesting of breeding seeds of scots pine and oak petiolate, and to obtain high-quality forest seed raw materials, we use cone dryers (13 pcs.), which are equipped with forestry enterprises of the region.
In order to ensure high-quality forest reproduction, the forestry institutions of the Gomel State Forestry Enterprise are systematically working on the development of the nursery economy. As of June 1 of this year, the Gomel region has 9 permanent forest nurseries with a total area of 150 hectares (in Buda-Koshelevsky experimental, Gomel experimental, Zhlobinsky, Kalinkovichi, Milosevichsky, Mozyr experimental, Petrikovsky, Rechitsky experimental and Svetlogorsk forestry).
Over the past 10 years, 4 new nurseries have been created with a total area of 20 hectares (in Buda-Koshelevsky experimental, Gomel experimental, Petrikovsky and Rechitsky experimental forestry).
The average annual volume of growing standard planting material in nurseries has increased by 117% in recent years, reaching 54 million pieces this year, including 14 million pieces of breeding planting material, of which more than 2 million pieces with a closed root system.
For the cultivation of standard planting material, 51 greenhouses are used, with a total area of more than 2 hectares.
For cultivation with an open root system, an average of 22 hectares of land is used, with a closed root system of more than 1 hectare, for green construction of 0.4 hectares.